Edited by Roderick McGillis
It has been many years since Roderick McGillis edited For the Childlike, a landmark collection of essays about George MacDonald's writings. This latest collection of 14 essays sets a new standard that will influence MacDonald studies for many more years. George MacDonald experts are increasingly evaluating his entire corpus within the nineteenth century context. This volume provides further evidence that MacDonald will eventually emerge from the restrictive and somewhat misleading reputation of being C.S. Lewis' spiritual "master."
MacDonald scholar, Stephen Prickett writes:
"This is an important, exciting, and even challenging and controversial volume. It looks, as never before, at MacDonald's historical imagination, the influence of his native Scottish culture, the impact of English and German Romanticism, his reading of the Bible, his interest in Darwinism, and in the Victorian intellectual environment as a whole. Several contributors provocatively discuss recent adaptations, redactions, and presentations of MacDonald's work and thought. This collection of essays truly places MacDonald in context."
Rolland Hein, author of George MacDonald: Victorian Mythmaker, writes: "Many astute critical judgments in this comprehensive collection represent the best of contemporary scholarship on George MacDonald."
Roderick McGillis
George MacDonald: Literary Heritage and Heirs –
14 Essays on the Background and Legacy of his Writing