Introduction by Judith Lütge Coullie, Editor
Preface by Joseph Pearce
388 pages
over 50 black and white photos/illustrations
344 footnotes
timeline of Campbell’s life
complete index
“Roy Campbell was a great poet but he was also a great man, in the sense that he was larger than life. Finding oneself in his company is to find oneself intoxicated with the pure pleasure of his presence. One would like to meet him in the flesh, perhaps in that tavern at the world’s end that Chesterton mentions, in which we will meet “Dickens and all his characters”. In the absence of such a celestial rendezvous, this journey through Campbell’s life in the terrestrial presence of his daughters is pleasure enough.”
Joseph Pearce, author of Bloomsbury and Beyond: The Friends and Enemies of Roy Campbell
“Campbell’s daughters have the huge advantage of having grown up with him and having the partial but intense knowledge that a child has of a loved parent. Their accounts are unique and irreplaceable. The two narratives function well together, shedding more light on Campbell’s life than either would do on its own. Remembering Roy Campbell makes a significant contribution to understanding South Africa’s best-known poet.”
Peter F. Alexander, author of Roy Campbell: A Critical Biography
“The editor’s introduction to the two memoirs serves as a further corrective to erroneous assumptions about Campbell’s life and poetry and offers a balanced assessment of the reliability, intentions – and in Anna Campbell’s case – the partisanship of the memoirs of his daughters. Campbell’s religious beliefs and political activities (with regard to the South African colour bar, the Spanish Civil War, the left-wing writers of the British literary establishment of the 1930s) are outlined and may thus serve as a background against which the memoirs may be read.”
Michael Hanke, author of Roy Campbell, Ein Solitar: Interpretationen Seiner Versdichtung
Remembering Roy Campbell: The Memoirs of His Daughters, Anna and Tess
About the editor
Judith Lütge Coullie is Professor of English at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Her publications include a compilation of South African women’s life writing (The Closest of Strangers, Wits University Press, 2004), an edited collection of critical essays on Breyten Breytenbach (a.k.a. Breyten Breytenbach, Rodopi, 2004), a CD on the poet Roy Campbell (Campbell in Context, Killie Campbell Africana Library Series, 2004) and edited interviews on southern African auto/biography (Selves in Question, University of Hawai’i Press, 2006).
Click here to read is a good background essay about Roy Campbell by Joseph Pearce